Mercy Values
At the heart of Catherine McAuley’s understanding of God’s mercy are several values which should pervade and give character to every mission, in every time and place, for which her Sisters are responsible.
The Congregation is committed to

to be COMPASSIONATE – we let our hearts be touched by the pain of others
to provide HOSPITALITY – we treat others with friendliness and warmth
“There are things that the poor prize more highly than gold, tho’ they cost the donor nothing; among these are the kind work, the gentle, compassionate look, and the patient hearing of their sorrows.” Catherine McAuley
“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15

to be RESPECTFUL – we treat all living beings with dignity and respect
to value DIVERSITY – we affirm the intrinsic value and gift of each human being
to EMPOWER each other – we provide an environment which involves people in meaningful ways and encourages them to achieve their full potential.
“Mercy bestows benefits, receives us anew, and pardons again and again even the most ungrateful.” Catherine McAuley
“So always treat others as you would like them to treat you.” Matthew 7:12

Image © Worradirek Muksab |
to work for the COMMON GOOD — we work to ensure that our actions are based on and support the needs of the human family at the local and global level
to be RESPONSIBLE STEWARDS — we respect the natural world that sustains us and
to be ADVOCATES — we identify unjust social structures and practices, including those that exclude persons, and take action for positive change
“It is better to relieve a hundred imposters—if there be any such—than to suffer one really distressed person to be sent away empty. “ Catherine McAuley
“Simply do justice, love kindness, and humbly walk with your God.” Micah 6:8

to foster EDUCATION — we respond to the human need for education by addressing the intellectual, spiritual, social, psychological, cultural and physical dimensions of education
to ensure QUALITY — we work in creative ways to ensure and enhance the quality of all that we do in our relationships, organisation, programs and services
to address COMMUNITY NEEDS — we work with the communities we serve to identify needs and to ensure our responses enhance community well-being.
“Be ever ready to praise, to encourage, to stimulate, but slow to censure, and still more slow to condemn.” Catherine McAuley
Each one of you has received a special grace, so put yourselves at the service of others.” 1 Peter 4:10

to be AWARE of the poor — we carry out our work conscious of how decisions we make affect the poor
to make a COMMITMENT to the poor — we commit ourselves to meeting the needs of the poor in creative and collaborative ways
to EMPOWER the poor — we use our influences and resources to assist the poor in more fully benefiting from and contributing to the common good.
“Try to meet all with peace and love. It is for God we serve the poor and not for thanks.” Catherine McAuley
But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:13-14
The Sisters of Mercy, Parramatta are committed to the principles and standards enunciated in the document ‘Integrity in Ministry’ (National Committee for Professional Standards, 2004).
These must be reflected in every sponsored work and ministry of the Congregation.