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National Tree Day 2024

Trees are a gift to our planet and ourselves. They support life on earth and provide humans with the air we breathe. They symbolise resilience, community and the interconnectedness of all life

The livelihood of our world and its inhabitants depends on the health of our trees and forests and there are a number of reasons we should plant trees:

  • To tackle climate change
  • Toclean the air
  • To prevent soil erosion and improve water quality
  • To create and restore habitats
  • To improve your mental and physical health

On National Tree Day, Sunday 28 July, rejoice in the gift of trees!

National Tree Day 2024

Trees are a gift to our planet and ourselves. They support life on earth and provide humans with the air we breathe. They symbolise resilience, community and the interconnectedness of all life

The livelihood of our world and its inhabitants depends on the health of our trees and forests and there are a number of reasons we should plant trees:

  • To tackle climate change
  • Toclean the air
  • To prevent soil erosion and improve water quality
  • To create and restore habitats
  • To improve your mental and physical health

On National Tree Day, Sunday 28 July, rejoice in the gift of trees!

Prayer Intention: For the Pastoral Care of the Sick

This month Pope Francis invites us to rediscover the complete depth and the true meaning of this Sacrament.

"Let us pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick grant the Lord’s strength to those who receive it and to their loved ones, and that it may become for everyone an ever more visible sign of compassion and hope."

Post your prayer in our sacred space here.

Participate in Plastic Free July

"We will enjoy and celebrate Earth’s beauty and bounty and her many species. We will honour our duty to love and care for her and add to her well-being wherever possible." (Chapter Statement)

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?

Plastic Free July® website offers resources and solutions and tips for alternatives to single use plastic.

Among the ideas, "Choose to refuse":

  • plastic shopping bags - bring your own bag or use a box
  • single use cups - bring your own reusable cup or dine in
  • plastic straws - use a paper straw or a drinking glass
  • avoid plastic wraps - stoire leftovers in reusable containers

Message for World Day of Prayer for Creation 2024 Released

"We will enjoy and celebrate Earth’s beauty and bounty and her many species. We will honour our duty to love and care for her and add to her well-being wherever possible." (Chapter Statement)

"To hope and act with creation", the Pope says, "means above all to join forces and to walk together with all men and women of good will. In this way, we can help to rethink, “among other things, the question of human power, its meaning and its limits. Our power has frenetically increased in a few decades. We have made impressive and awesome technological advances, yet we have not realized that at the same time we have turned into highly dangerous beings, capable of threatening the lives of many beings and our own survival” (Laudate Deum, 28).

  • Read the complete message here
  • Information about the Season of Creation 2024 can be found here
  • Resources for the Season of Creation can be accessed here