

‘My work is loving the world’

Earthkin is a network committed to loving, reverencing and celebrating the Earth Community.

We realize Earth is part of an evolving cosmic tapestry that unfolds as a whole. We appreciate the inherent worth; interior depth and uniqueness of each thread in this communal weave of life.

We sense Divine presence, holiness and creativity embedded within the whole and the whole within it.

As members of Earthkin network we encourage each other to keep developing the spiritual and ecological dimensions of our lives through nature walks, reading, reflection, poetry, painting, conversation, education, workshops, retreats and contemplation.

The beauty, of life’s essential harmony and oneness, impels us to reach out continually to embrace members of Earth community. Everything and everyone belongs.

We try to live simply and sustainably and engage in social political actions to protect the common good, respect the Earth Charter and the rights of each species.

Explanation of the Earthkin symbol

Earthkin Symbol

A circle illustrates the essential unity of planet earth, our world, our home. The sun at the center depicts the Divine reality present in the initial flaring forth and in all beings. It reminds us that all share the same origin and will share the same destiny.

Flames moving out call to mind the energy and beauty of Earth. The rotation, from the land, to water, to mammals and then to humans, traces part of the evolutionary pattern.

The Three Sisters, the water, whale, ring-tailed possum and humans reflect the Australian environment.

The image as a whole demonstrates a desire to embody unity consciousness, respect differences, care for the earth and reach out in whatever way we can to ‘welcome the Stranger’ as part of Earthkin.

* Oliver Mary (2006). ‘Messenger’ in Thirst. Boston: Beacon Press. p.1