Help Turn Debt Into Hope

The Jubilee 2025 ‘Turn Debt into Hope’ campaign launched by Caritas Internationalis is inspired by Pope Francis’ appeal to affluent nations to "determine to forgive the debts of countries that will never be able to repay a matter of justice"

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"We will open our hearts to the cries of the poor using our energies, gifts and resources...We will do this at personal, local and systemic levels through friendship, direct assistance, advocacy and research and by joining networks or partnerships with groups that have similar values and goals." (Chapter Statement)

Over 100 countries are said by Caritas to be struggling with unjust and unsustainable public debt which is both economic and an environmental barrier.

Through the #TurnDebtIntoHope campaign, Caritas is calling for:

  • The immediate cancellation and restructuring of unjust and unsustainable debts – without imposing harmful economic conditions that fall on the poorest.
  • Long-term financial reform that prioritises people and the planet, creating systems that are fair, sustainable and free from predatory lending practices.
  • The creation of a global debt framework based on solidarity and harmony between peoples (World Day of Peace 2025 11).

Caritas is aiming for 10 million signatures to its petition which will be presented to gatherings of world leaders throughout 2025

You can sign the petition on the Caritas site here

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