Pray for Peace on October 7

Pope Francis has called for prayers for peace on October 7th to end the regional conflict.

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Among the many Prayers for Peace in the Middle East is the following. We invite you to join with us in praying for peace on October 7th

God of peace, bearer of hope,  

we seek your help for the peoples of the Middle East. 

Quiet the clamour of war  

and guide us towards peace.

Where there is hatred and division  

sow seeds of calm and openness.

Where there is destruction  

help us to rebuild.

Where children are crying

bring an end to tears. 

Shelter your peoples and protect them  

Guide them and keep them from harm.

Show us how to break down the barriers of history and fear  

and breathe whispers of hope.


Linda Jones / CAFOD

Post your prayer for peace in our sacred space here

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