Promote the ULURU Statement from the Heart

The Co-chairs of the Uluru Dialogue are asking for help to reach the 6 million Australians who voted YES at the Referendum on 14 October 2023.

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Uluru Statement

"We will open our hearts to the cries of the poor using our energies, gifts and resources to address violence and discrimination especially for... Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples..." (Chapter Statement)

The Dialogue Team want  to establish a direct line of communication with as many YES voters as possible so that they are less reliant on paid media and social media algorithms.

They are asking for help to get people to sign up to receive email updates.

The link to sign up on is:

Be inspired by the video

Uluru_Dialogues_Thank_You_6.2_Million_Friends from Uluru Statement from the Heart on Vimeo.

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