Season of Creation 2024
Our Chapter Statement commits us to respond to the "cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor" (Laudato Si' #49)
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"We recognise that we are participants and co-creators with the Divine in the ongoing story of the evolving Universe." (Chapter Statement)
"To hope and act with Creation" is the theme and invitation of this year’s Season of Creation which commences on 1 September and concludes on 4 October, the Feast of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. The theme calls us to renew our hope and commitment to protecting the environment.
In his message for the 2024 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation which launches the season, Pope Francis invites us to live "a life that becomes a song of love for God, for humanity, with and for creation, and that finds its fullness in holiness."
The infographic (below) is to help us understand the message for the Day of Prayer :