Chapter Statement

Twelfth General Chapter 2023

In this 135th year of the Sisters of Mercy Parramatta, we recognise that we are participants and co-creators with the Divine in the ongoing story of the evolving Universe.

We recognise Divine Loving Kindness poured out continuously on all creation and evident in our own lives. We desire that it flow through us to those with whom we relate and work.

At this pivotal time in the history of our Congregation we feel called to be more deeply attuned to the rhythm of the Paschal Mystery in all its dimensions.

Our particular emphasis will be the care of earth, care of the poor and care of each other. To ensure this, we will continue to encourage and support our sisters in active ministry and develop healthy ways of living and working together as a community of equals.

Endorsing the Emerging Futures Statement of Intent, we commit ourselves to participation in the discernment process for the necessary change to our structures of governance, stewardship and practices of ministry, trusting in the creative power of the Holy Spirit and God’s enduring, Providential care.

Eleventh General Chapter 2016

We the Sisters of Mercy of the Parramatta Congregation acknowledge gratefully that we are co-creators with the Divine, in an evolving ‘sacrament of communion’ which includes everything that exists.

Laudato Si # 9

We wish to live contemplatively, as active ecclesial women, allowing ourselves to be drawn deeper into the dynamic Mystery at the heart of life and matter.

We will share with others, including people of different faiths and no religious faith, the joys and struggles of this spiritual journey.

Mindful that we are called by the world and the church at this particular time in history to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, we will continue to respond mercifully to both.

We will enjoy and celebrate Earth’s beauty and bounty and her many species. We will honour our duty to love and care for her and add to her well-being wherever possible.

We will live simply, in a way that takes into account the fragility of Mother Earth by using her resources more sparingly and, where possible, living with less.

We will protect the rights of the natural world and make practical efforts to stem the hurtful effects of climate change, pollution and the ‘throw away’ mentality.

We will open our hearts to the cries of the poor using our energies, gifts and resources to address violence and discrimination especially for women and children, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, displaced persons, minority groups, the homeless, those suffering hardship because of poverty and those affected by injustice within the Church.

We will do this at personal, local and systemic levels through friendship, direct assistance, advocacy and research and by joining networks or partnerships with groups that have similar values and goals.

We will use our gifts as educators in all our ministries to assist those in need of support in their learning. We will continue educating ourselves and others to further awareness of the challenges and needs of our time.

We will encourage understanding and practice of our faith, informed by new knowledge and the interaction of science, theology and spirituality.

We will nurture relations that are kind, just, respectful and inclusive among each other and those with whom we share our Mercy ministries.

As Mercy women religious, we will continue to develop healthy ways of living and working together as a community of equals, participating graciously in the evolution of religious life and contemporary expressions of mercy.