World Day of the Poor
Pope Francis: 'Let us love not with words but deeds'
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On Sunday, 19 November, we shall be commemorating the first World Day of the Poor, announced by Pope Francis at the end of his 2015-16 Jubilee Year of Mercy in the document Misericordia et Misera (#MM 21).
His purpose for creating this day, Pope Francis said in his message for the first World Day of the Poor, 'Let us love, not with words but with deeds' is to give witness: "so that throughout the world Christian communities can become an ever greater sign of Christ’s charity for the least and those most in need".
Across the globe, in the 40+ countries where Sisters of Mercy minister, we have been preparing for this day by praying Catherine McAuley's prayer for the poor that we might continue to respond to need.
We invite you, wherever you are, to join us on 19 November in praying this prayer, for those in your neighbourhood and in our world who are experiencing poverty in one of its many forms: financial, spiritual, emotional, political, material.
You might like to post a prayer, thought or reflection in our prayer space